
Clearing the air

Welcome to The Droplet Diaries

This website is here to clear the air on the illness COVID-19 caused by the virus SARS2. Our primary purpose is to avoid infection and reinfection with COVID-19 and help others achieve the same.

Illustration of person on phone and he is asking for a chart or graph by Dennis Goris

Struggling to find the science?

A collection of COVID news, notes, updates, and curated Twitter threads focused on SARS2. We are here to enhance common knowledge of widely used scientific terminology and concepts.

This is what we believe

We adhere to the precautionary principle and, therefore, promote the avoidance of COVID-19 infection and reinfection. At this time, we reject any infection-based strategies that attempt to achieve herd immunity for the virus SARS-CoV-2.

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Check out our diary

Make choices that liberate you. A reading list for humans seeking to recalibrate reality. Posts, links, and lists that can possibly alter your COVID strategy and enhance the quality of your life.

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The Three Components of Disease
Humans are exposed to various infectious agents throughout their lifetimes; not every exposure leads to an …
Chain of Infection
The interlinked steps required to spread infection between people is called the chain of infection. Breaking …
The only way out is through–

Check out our diary categories

This is our evolving attempt to curate, articulate, and advocate for basic epidemiological control measures for the virus SARS2 that causes the illness COVID-19. We believe in shielding everyone while prioritizing those at risk from the novel coronavirus.

Outbreak 101

A collection of basic terminology and concepts that are commonly used by media and public health experts.

COVID Inside Us

Features posts and articles that cover what SARS2 does inside of our bodies and the long-term implications.

COVID is Airborne

Most people get infected after inhaling viral particles from the air. See what you can do to avoid COVID.

Understanding COVID Guidelines

Here we decode CDC guidelines while following the science and acknowledging politics.

covid spreads through the air
Image of sars2 coronavirus aerosols with smoke. Text says "It moves like smoke."

We are here to promote airborne precautions to protect against a virus that spreads through the air. Protect yourself from COVID-19 infection by covering the mucous membranes on your face. Masks work. However, not all masks work that same. SARS2 is airborne.

What is the best mask for COVID-19? A mechanical engineer explains the science after 2 years of testing masks in his lab
A mechanical engineer explaining the science of masks after two years of testing.
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